Friday, September 7, 2007


"Educate All"

May 5, 2007

Twenty-six youth and adult students in grades 1-9 meet weekly in the home of missionary Pamela Hanson. There are classes 7 days a week to accommodate the schedules of working students.

Pastor Francisco Sierra, right, with other eighth-grade students.


Ministerio Cristiano Jehová Rafah equips and encourages pastors in poverty-stricken areas of Honduras.

Our vision is to disciple pastors so that they will build up their churches to share the Gospel and bless their communities, and in turn disciple other pastors to do the same.

Currently we work with 20 pastors. Some are illiterate, and many others have only a 3rd- or 6th-grade education. Their formal training as pastors is also limited, and we provide training for them in Bible, theology, and practical matters relating to leading a church.

In addition to affecting their ministry as pastors, illiteracy can seriously impede their ability to earn a living; even those who have some schooling are finding their opportunities limited by the lack of an official diploma.

We are using a Honduran government curriculum, “Educatodos,” to teach 26 youth and adults, Christian and non-Christian, from first to ninth grade. Our vision is to have 50 students.

The program is presented via audio recording with the assistance of a facilitator. Upon satisfactory completion of each level, students receive an official certificate recognized in all sectors of Honduran society.

Classes are held seven days a week and the facilitators are volunteers from our organization, serving above and beyond their normal duties.

Teaching English in a spare bedroom


Jessica said...

Hi! I have an idea of helping literate women in the Chortiz villages of Honduras teach their own children and other villagers. I have heard of "Educatodos" and would like to find out more about the program. Do you know where I can get ahold of some material?


Unknown said...

Can you please give me some info. on how i would go about acquiring Educatodos for work in Roatan. WE'd love to incorporate this program into our center. Thanks!