Thursday, September 6, 2007

Principles of Kingdom Accounting

March 3, 2007 Here is a very happy Joel ready to return to Honduras and show his family how he can walk!

We have been using a ministry model that suggests evaluating projects and programs by the following Kingdom standards:

  • Did God multiply the resources?
  • Have people—besides those directlyinvolved—been blessed or favorably impacted by the project?
  • Was the love of God evident? Were his intentions demonstrated?
  • Did those who observed the project give praise and glory to God?
  • Did God get the credit—more than the people who carried out the project?
Here are just a few of the ways that God multiplied the resources for Joel:

· Not only did he provide free medical treatment, he also ordained that the considerable non-covered expense of the braces would be quickly reimbursed.
· Many people’s hearts were moved to contribute to Joel’s needs on his return to Honduras. He is now in a private bilingual school because of this.

· A number of busy people took time to visit and play with Joel, some on multiple occasions. This was my most important need, breaks from the 24/7 responsibility for their welfare and happiness, and is truly a miracle in the American culture.
· A boy with mild autism who often played with Joel made remarkable progress in his interpersonal interactions – when we left, I would not have been able to tell that he had ever been anything other than normal. A special affection arose between this family and Joel and Bertha.

· Bertha returned with peace about her life in Honduras. She has continued to walk in this despite the difficult situation with the children’s father.
· Many persons were obedient to give time, talent and treasure.
· Many persons had the chance to meet people who have actually gone hungry.

· Joel is a delightful but normal boy who can charm or irritate. On one particular day we had doctors’ appointments from 9 to 5. We spent over three hours just in the dentist’s office as she worked on both of them between other patients. It could have been nightmarish, but Joel remained sunny the whole day – and so did I! I’m sure the toys I brought and those in the dentist’s office helped, but I am 100% certain that God gave us a special grace to get through that day.
· I asked my sister to pack us a lunch for the plane. I asked for 4 sandwiches, but she made six. The uneaten sandwiches and other snacks ended up “by chance” with Bertha when we parted at the airport. She told me later that on her return she found no food in the house because the children’s father had not given them any money. They were able to eat that night because of those sandwiches.

Matthew 25:39-40 When did we see you sick?... Inasmuch as you did it for the least of these, you did it unto me…

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